Friday, January 22, 2010

Can You Get Kidney Pain In The Front Of The Abdomen Lower Front Abdomen Pain?

Lower front abdomen pain? - can you get kidney pain in the front of the abdomen

Today, injured, before the stomach was. It is located right next to my bladder, right on the front page. I feel more pain, there are about five seconds, then again about an hour later. He has been off and on throughout the day. Can someone tell me what is wrong? I know it's my kidneys because the kidneys in the lower back, not the lower front.


Anonymous said...

It could be an ovarian cyst. Man, sounds like a bladder infection. Naturally, the only way to find out, go to a dr. I would seriously not an expert here!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like gallbladder pain. I want you in the heart net. Their concern is not so deadly.

As always, it is very painful.

Google search:)

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like gallbladder pain. I want you in the heart net. Their concern is not so deadly.

As always, it is very painful.

Google search:)

Good luck!

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